Fairy tale

kruthika ganesh
2 min readJan 28, 2020


Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

Growing up, I believed in fairy tales, in magic, in love and a happily ever after.
I believed that my knight in shining armour is en route to find me.
‘Now, how would I identify him?
Would he fight fire breathing dragons to save me?
Maybe he’d kiss me back to life …
Maybe he’d come back to find me after I leave the ball halfway!
Or would he be a beast I’d kiss to break the spell?
Oh, who would it be?!?’ I thought to myself in a dramatic Disney princess-like tone.

‘Are you ok?’ I heard a familiar deep silky voice ask from beside me.
I snapped out of it, turned around to see those beautiful twinkling eyes, looking right into mine.
There was something in those eyes, that spoke right to my heart. I could feel those butterflies fluttering around inside of me, I could feel my eyes turn into hearts like in those emojis, I could feel the instant spark, the zing as it is called!
I smiled wide as I realised, my Prince Charming was here all along hiding in plain sight, clad in a casual plaid shirt with a pair of jeans and sneakers. Maybe he chose this disguise, so no one else would spot him. How silly was I, to look everywhere but beside me?!
‘Hey, what happened?!’ He asked looking concerned. I realised I was just staring at him and haven’t said a word all this while.
‘Oh nothing’ I said still smiling
‘Well, as long as you’re alright’ he smiled.
There it was, his smile, so charming and sweet. It set my heart racing, leaving me blushing like a teenager!
Thus began my fairy tale…



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